Wednesday 10 September 2014

Did you see Got To Dance UK Reload gave the male pole gymnast 3 gold stars...

How do they compare dance skills, to gymnastic apparatus movements?

The fact they allowed vertical pole to be on a dance show is simply unfair.

He started with a dramatic, No Handed Yoga Sit Pole Mount and froze another pole exercise set up, in time to the next music break however he didn't include any 'dance'...

No Handed Flat Foot Yoga Sit
Vertical Pole Gymnastics
No Handed Flat Foot Yoga Sit
He did demonstrate some great vertical pole gymnastic skills but the next female dancer executes a sequence of floor flips, that are much harder!

Plus that same dance groups timing was amazing and the natural body elevation achieved, when doing synchronized jumps up off the floor was simply not comparable!

Comparing dance to pole gymnastics is like comparing apple to oranges; both are a form of human movement but not the same category or style. 

Pole Gymnastics is commonly mistaken for pole dancing because it's often mixed together e.g. Pole dancing is actually 'dance' mixed together with pole gymnastics x;)

I find it hard to understand their Judging methods, when allowing other movement categories (especially that include apparatus) onto a dance show.

I can see why +Ashley Judd, Kimberly or Allen Did Not pick the male "pole dancer" for their teams, when faced with truly having to judge the dancing elements and therefore finding themselves comparing a pole gymnast to a floor dancer... Apple to Oranges!?

Do you think a Pole Dancing belongs on Got to Dance UK Reload 2014?

Related Blogs - 

By Angela Perry 
Leader in the field of vertical pole gymnastics

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